The Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) provides a common forum for academicians, researchers, designers, construction engineers, equipment manufacturers, and other professionals interested in Geotechnical activity. The IGS aims to endorse and uphold cooperation among engineers and scientists for the progression and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Soil Dynamics, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, and allied fields and their practical applications.
Indian Geotechnical Conference in 2017 was held at IIT Guwahati during 14-16 December 2017, organized by IGS Guwahati. This conference was focused on the theme “Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies.” This event was held for the first time in Northeast India.
Spar Geo Infra Pvt. Ltd., as a Diamond Sponsor, participated in the event, and put up a stall showcasing a wide range of innovative geoengineering technologies and solutions to the issues related to geoengineering. Many industry experts, professors, and students visited our stall and had fruitful interactions with the Geo Spar Team team.