Fluid matter to fill the open voids existing in a rock mass is grout. Process of consolidation grouting specially reduces the permeability & deformability by increasing strength against shear forces. In case of high pressure water shafts & tunnels, consolidation grouting minimizes the flow of water outward.
The injection of fluid grouting, usually Portland cement and sand, into a compressible soil mass to displace it and form a structure for support. Consolidation grouting will be based upon geotechnical data, specifications contain pattern on hole layout, technical requirements etc.., for improving the water-tightness of shallow foundation constructed in a narrow area.
Common Uses
- Construction of Dam and rehabilitation
- Excavation and tunneling of ground stabilization surface
- Water seepage control
- Stream Grouting to restore lost flows

- Economical when it comes to costing
- Process is monolithic, it is needed, to control the soil settlement.
- Grouting procedure is rapid.
- Control fluids is concluded.