All About Barriers

All About Barriers!!

Barriers are provided in order to ensure the protection of people, livestock, structures from unstable rock fragments, debris, snow slide (in case of avalanche) on slope surfaces and areas surrounding them, which are lying in the vicinity of the installed barrier locations; thereby facilitating the smooth functioning of livelihood without any hindrance.  Types of Barriers…

Anchors - Permanent and Temporary

Anchors – Permanent and Temporary

Ground anchors/tie-backs are flexible elements used to hold, restrain and support excavation for building and civil engineering structures either temporarily or permanently. Installation method depending upon the existing ground conditions. Ground anchors are used to securing pile walls, sheet piles, mixed-in-Place walls or diaphragm walls, steep slopes, support embankments, and quay walls. Installing ground anchors is…

Soil Nailing

Soil Nailing

Soil nailing is the process of installing reinforcement with a designed spacing of steel bars or nails in the existing ground using a top-down construction technique. The soil nail process is proceeded by installing reinforcement (bar/rod) in the drill hole in the ground, followed by grouting throughout the length.  This technique is applied for stabilizing…


Natural and Manmade Slope Failures

Failure of rock or soil slopes takes place due to natural or artificial means. Natural events include failure due to flash flood, excessive seepage, pore pressure, seismic event, presence of weak discontinuities across the rock slope, shear zones, toe cutting of slope by meandering river leading to unstable slope due to change in slope geometry.…

Ground Anchors

All About Ground Anchors

Ground Anchors are the structural members that are installed deep into the rock mass with their main applicability to transfer the applied tension load deep into ground/rock mass. Sometimes, also referred to as tieback anchors. The main component of the ground tieback anchor is shown in figure 1. The anchorage is the combined system of…

Slope Stabilization

Geotechnical Solutions

  Spar Geo Infra, Geotechnical Engineering refers to a branch of civil engineering which includes the analysis, design, and construction of subsoil structure, foundations, tunnels, offshore structures, and earthen embankments. Moreover, it includes the analysis and providing an effective mitigation solution for soil/rock slopes. Spar Geo Infra Pvt. Ltd. is a comprehensive solution provider in the field…